Opening of Presidio Visitor Center
On Saturday, February 25, 2017, the William Penn Mott, Jr. Presidio Visitor Center celebrated its grand opening. The visitor center, which is housed in a refurbished historic guardhouse, has interactive exhibits, a gift shop, and gorgeous views of the Golden Gate Bridge. Architect Bohlin Cywinski Jackson and exhibit designer Macchiatto began work in June 2016 to create this spectacular center.
Greg Moore, President and CEO of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy (GGNPC) and BKF Mentor said, “The Presidio Visitor Center will be the focal point to providing access to all parts of the Presidio and the greater Golden Gate National Recreation Area, exemplifying the American ideal that our national parks belong to everyone. We are grateful for the generous gifts to the Conservancy from the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund, the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation and the William Penn Mott, Jr. Memorial Fund, to make the dream of a visitor center a reality. We look forward to working with the philanthropic community on the next park milestone, the Presidio Tunnel Tops project.”
While a BKF Mentor, Greg mentored Fellow Ben Fash. Ben is an environmental conservationist who at the time of his fellowship had recently founded a nonprofit, New Root, to support the restoration and conservation of forest ecosystems in his hometown of Copan, Honduras. Alongside Greg, Ben managed executive communications, education programs, and fundraising for the Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary, and post-fellowship continued to work with Greg as a member of the GGNPC Executive Team. Ben has since gone on to graduate studies at Clark University where he was awarded the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship to support his work in Honduras.
For more information on the opening and the visitor center, visit: http://www.presidio.gov/presidio-trust/press/new-presidio-visitor-center-debuts-saturday-february-25-2017

To learn more about Greg, his BKF Fellow Ben Fash, and the work accomplished together, please visit: https://bkfellowships.org/profiles/#gregben