It Takes A Village Nation Launch
Join us as we celebrate the launch It Takes A Village Nation (ITAVN) on April 6 with BKF Fellow Chris Bridges, Founder of ITAVN. (Event details below.) Chris created ITAVN, a social networking platform (currently in the beta phase), with the goal of creating an online space for people to connect and share resources around social justice movements.
Chris describes ITAVN as, “a website/social platform where like-minded activists, creatives, community focused organizers, and members alike, can connect virtually, coalition build intentionally, and strategize effectively, regardless of whether they are in the same zip code or on opposite coasts. The idea that “it takes a village” to raise a child is such accepted wisdom that now it’s almost become a cliche. But the need for a village never stops, particularly in the context of sharing, connecting, and creating opportunities for social justice and the associated movements. Similarly, ITAVN seeks to facilitate the creation of a socially conscious and supportive village on a digital platform. ITAVN will assist in effectively building sustainable economies, networks, and coalitions.”
In 2014, Chris Bridges joined BKF as the Fellow for President and a Co-Founder of the Equal Justice Society (EJS), Eva Paterson. Like Eva, Chris has a true calling to social justice and, in his own words, “a longstanding commitment to, and passion for, legal advocacy, community empowerment, and organizing alongside communities of color seeking equitable living, education, and decreased representation in the criminal justice system.” He is a graduate of Northeastern University School of Law and also holds an MS in Criminal Justice from Michigan State University and a BS in Political Science and BA in Criminal Justice, both from North Carolina Central University.
Since his fellowship, Chris has launched ITAVN and also been hired by EJS as part of their legal team. At EJS, Chris’ work focuses on addressing the role of unconscious bias in the shockingly disproportionate school suspension rates African American and Latino students are currently experiencing in California.
At the ITAVN Launch Event, you will hear from leading community members, enjoy, lite bites, drinks, raffled art, and music.
ITAVN’s Launch Event
April 6, 2017 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Greenlining Institute, Oakland
Please RSVP : https://itavn-launch-party.eventbrite.com
For more information about It Takes a Village Nation and to donate, visit: https://www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/it-takes-a-village-nation-website-launch
To learn more about Chris, his BKF Mentor, Eva Paterson, and the work accomplished together, please visit: https://bkfellowships.org/profiles/#evachristopher