“I just planted the seed…”
BKF Fellow José González was featured in a recent issue of Bay Nature where he discussed, among other things, his collaborative leadership style and the organization he founded to connect Latinos with nature, Latino Outdoors: “I consider Latino Outdoors to be a great responsibility. I’m the spearhead, but I’m not alone. I just planted the seed. Now, together, we are getting it to grow.” On its way to becoming a national movement, Latino Outdoors now has more than 40 outdoor excursion leaders in six regions. José had another opportunity this month to address his vision of inclusiveness, this time in response to the proposed National Park fee hike, which would increase the entrance fee to Yosemite and other national parks to $70. In an interview on the subject with Outdoor Magazine, José said, “We need to look at equitable access to keep it public.”