Field Trip to ODC with Fellow Ariel Lucky and Mentor Brenda Way
In February, the Butler Koshland Advisory Committee and friends took a field trip to ODC. BKF Fellow Ariel Lucky gave a tour of the facilities and then the committee was treated to an informal sneak peek and discussion of BKF Mentor Brenda Way’s What we carry What we keep, which will premiere at Dance Downtown 2017. Tickets and information for the performance are now available online at www.ybca.org/whats-on/odc-dance-downtown. It was an invigorating night and we can’t wait to see the full performance in March!
BKF wants to give a special thanks to Margot Melcon, The Zellerbach Family Foundation’s Program Executive for Promoting Culture, who also came on the field trip. Without the generous funding of The Zellerbach Family Foundation, this dynamic fellowship would not be possible.